Ready to stay at the top of your game? Our team is here to provide you with the resources you need for a healthy mind, body and spirit.
Read through our resources here and contact us if you have any questions.
Supportive physical therapy for your concussion: 6 PT techniques that can help
A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body. This injury leads to the brain’s temporary disruption. Concussions are common, resulting in approximately 3.8 million injuries a year. Most concussions are...
Rotator cuff injury: What does treatment and recovery time look like?
The rotator cuff is an area in the shoulder made up of tendons and muscles around the joint. The tendons and muscles keep your shoulder bone in your socket and allow the shoulder to function as it should. If one of the tendons in your rotator cuff becomes torn, the...
Concussion rehabilitation: When to see a doctor
A concussion, also known as a traumatic brain injury (TBI), is a condition that involves impaired brain function as a result of a traumatic injury to the head. Concussions affect nearly 29% of all adults in the U.S. at least once in their lifetimes. Concussions are...
Massage (and other treatment options) for lower back pain
Has lower back pain been the source of your discomfort for way too long? About 23% of people in the world struggle with lower back pain, according to research. If your pain has led you to avoid performing everyday activities, you’re one of the many who would likely...
Low back pain exercises: At-home or in-the-gym options
Low back pain is a condition that affects a large number of people across the world, and that number is only projected to grow within the next 20 years. Low back pain can cause significant difficulties in performing tasks like standing, sitting, brushing teeth and...
Lower back muscle strain: Best treatment options
Are you struggling to keep your lower back pain under control? Is it interfering with your ability to perform several daily tasks, like tying your shoes or picking your clothes up off the floor? About 619 million people worldwide deal with some form of chronic lower...
Dry needling near you: What you need to know
If you are searching for an effective treatment for musculoskeletal issues and pain conditions near you, dry needling may be the solution you need. Dry needling, or trigger point dry needling, is a specialized form of manual therapy where a certified physical...
Lower back tightness and pain: 5 causes it could be
Lower back tightness and pain is a prevalent issue that affects approximately 619 million people worldwide. It can leave you struggling to complete your normal daily activities. It’s important to find the underlying issue causing your lower back distress. The...
What is a sports performance center?
A sports performance center is a specialized facility. It is dedicated to helping improve athletic performance, fitness, and overall wellness for those involved in sports or physical activities. These centers are staffed by experts in the fields of exercise...
Physical therapy for tennis elbow: Treatment options and what to expect
Tennis elbow is a health condition that can cause chronic pain in the elbow. Also known as lateral epicondylitis, this condition does not just affect tennis players. Despite the name, tennis elbow can affect anyone who engages in repetitive and strenuous arm...