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Myofascial Release & Active Release Therapy

There’s a type of physical therapy treatment for nearly every type of pain and injury. It’s important to pinpoint the cause and location of your pain to ensure that the proper treatment is performed. One of the most common pain management techniques used by physical therapists is myofascial release. There is also active release, which takes myofascial to the next level. 

Myofascial and active release are both effective in alleviating pain to increase mobility, but a physical therapist will determine which one better suits your needs. At REPAIR SI, we can pinpoint the root cause of your symptoms and determine whether myofascial release or active release would be the more effective approach. 


The Basics of Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is a manual therapy technique that targets pain and reduced mobility stemming from the fascia, which is the thin connective tissue that keeps your bones, organs, nerves and muscles in place. Myofascial release therapy involves the physical therapist using their hands in massage-like movements to break up tight muscle tissue that’s causing pain and reduced range of motion. 

Myofascial release is used to treat a variety of medical conditions and disorders that impact your myofascial tissue, including:

  • Myofascial pain syndrome.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Sciatica.
  • Chronic headaches. 

The benefits of myofascial release therapy include:

  • Increased range of motion.
  • Reduced pain and soreness.
  • Improved circulation.


The Basics of Active Release Therapy

Active release therapy is a soft tissue mobilization technique that is seen as an advanced type of myofascial release. While myofascial release therapy focuses on reducing muscle tightness, active release therapy helps to treat pain that’s caused by soft tissue injuries.

Active release therapy involves the physical therapist using their hands to find and manipulate scar tissue or adhesions in the soft tissue. They can break up the tissue to stimulate the healing process by increasing the blood circulation. The main benefits of active release therapy include decreased pain, increased flexibility and improved range of motion. 

Active release therapy can treat a variety of soft tissue injuries and medical conditions that cause scar tissue, including:

  • Chronic neck pain.
  • Lower back pain.
  • Shoulder strains.
  • Bursitis.
  • Shin splints.
  • Sciatic nerve pain.


REPAIR SI Can Help Alleviate Your Pain With Myofascial Release and Active Release Therapy

Pain and reduced mobility can interfere with your quality of life by making it difficult to complete tasks like climbing stairs or crouching down to pick up clutter in your home. Whether you’re experiencing pain from muscle tightness or a soft tissue injury, REPAIR SI is here to help. We will determine the source of your pain to determine which therapy technique would be the most beneficial for your symptoms.

If you’re interested in exploring the benefits of myofascial release and active release therapy, it’s time to give us a call. Be sure to contact our team today for more information or schedule an initial appointment.

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