Dr. Ronald Michalski joined the REPAIR team in the fall of 2023. Dr. Ron is originally from the Chicago area. Growing up in Chicago instilled Midwest morales and values that Dr. Ron very much still lives by today. Following growing up in the Midwest region, Dr. Ron moved to Arizona to attend the University of Arizona, studying Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. He would later attend Arizona State University to finish up pre-requisites before moving to Southern California, some 30 years ago.
After moving out West he would graduate from Southern California University of Health Sciences, formally known as the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic (LACC) in April of 1989. He has been perfecting his craft over the last 35 years and focusing on a diversified field of techniques with an emphasis in soft tissue manipulation. Over the years he has taken care of a wide variety of demographics and truly enjoys working with all groups.
When asked, “why are you still practicing almost 40 years later” – The answer is easy for Dr. Michalski, he simply loves what he does and could not imagine doing anything else.
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me – Philippians 4:13
Contact Dr. Ronald Michalski at [email protected]