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Massage (and other treatment options) for lower back pain

Has lower back pain been the source of your discomfort for way too long? About 23% of people in the world struggle with lower back pain, according to research. If your pain has led you to avoid performing everyday activities, you’re one of the many who would likely...
Low back pain exercises: At-home or in-the-gym options

Low back pain exercises: At-home or in-the-gym options

Low back pain is a condition that affects a large number of people across the world, and that number is only projected to grow within the next 20 years. Low back pain can cause significant difficulties in performing tasks like standing, sitting, brushing teeth and...
Lower back muscle strain: Best treatment options

Lower back muscle strain: Best treatment options

Are you struggling to keep your lower back pain under control? Is it interfering with your ability to perform several daily tasks, like tying your shoes or picking your clothes up off the floor? About 619 million people worldwide deal with some form of chronic lower...
Lower back tightness and pain: 5 causes it could be

Lower back tightness and pain: 5 causes it could be

Lower back tightness and pain is a prevalent issue that affects approximately 619 million people worldwide. It can leave you struggling to complete your normal daily activities. It’s important to find the underlying issue causing your lower back distress. The...