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Functional Therapeutic Exercise

We all know how beneficial exercise can be on our health and wellness. Not only can it help you manage your weight and increase muscle, but it can also boost your brain function and reduce anxiety. When it comes to your body recovering after an injury, or reducing symptoms from a medical condition, it’s important that you perform exercises that will help with the healing process.

Functional therapeutic exercise is a treatment used by physical therapists to help reduce your pain and increase the overall quality of your body after it’s been impacted by an injury or medical condition. At REPAIR SI, we will walk you through safe and effective functional therapeutic exercise plans to help your body move and feel better.


The Basics of Functional Therapeutic Exercise

Physical therapists use functional therapeutic exercise as a rehabilitation technique. It helps to restore your body’s strength and musculoskeletal system’s function. The goal is to increase your body’s ability to complete your day-to-day tasks. 

Functional therapeutic exercise consists of specific movements and activities that will help to alleviate your pain while increasing your strength, flexibility and mobility. It’s important that a physical therapist helps you properly perform these exercises to ensure that they are performed in a safe manner.

The benefits of functional therapeutic exercise include:

  • Reducing pain.
  • Improving balance.
  • Increasing flexibility.
  • Strengthening muscles.
  • Increasing range of motion.
  • Improving agility.
  • Boosting energy level.
  • Reducing risk of future injury and/or re-injury.

Your physical therapist will determine which therapeutic exercises will work best for you based on the cause of your symptoms, medical history and physical abilities. The types of exercises in your treatment plan will depend on the targeted affected areas as well as what functions need to be improved. 


Who Can Benefit From Functional Therapeutic Exercise?

Therapeutic exercise can cater to nearly every part of the body, making it one of the pillars of physical therapy. Functional therapeutic exercise can help people who are experiencing a lack of strength, flexibility and range of motion connected to a wide variety of injuries and medical conditions.

Here’s a list of several injuries and conditions that can benefit from therapeutic exercise:

  • Shoulder injuries.
  • Knee injuries.
  • Tendon or ligament injuries.
  • Chronic pain.
  • Osteoarthritis.


REPAIR SI Offers Functional Therapeutic Exercise to Alleviate Pain and Increase Strength

When you’ve sustained an injury, or you’re struggling to deal with symptoms of a medical condition, it’s important to work your body through movements that will target the issues and boost your body’s overall function. That’s what REPAIR SI physical therapists can help you with.

At REPAIR SI, we will walk you through safe and effective functional therapeutic exercise plans to help reduce your pain while also increasing your strength, flexibility and range of motion. 

If you’re ready to increase the overall quality of your body through functional therapeutic exercise, it’s time to give us a call. Contact our team today for more information or schedule an initial appointment.

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