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Best medicine for lower back pain

Best medicine for lower back pain

Lower back pain is a fairly common condition. About 619 million or 23% of people around the world experience lower back pain, and about 75% to 85% of adults in the United States experience it. Chronic or long-lasting lower back pain affects about 65 million people in...
Best sitting position for lower back pain

Best sitting position for lower back pain

Lower back pain is a relatively common condition: About 75% to 85% of adults in the United States experience it. Globally, about 619 million or 23% of people experience lower back pain. The symptoms of lower back pain vary with the individual, depending on the cause,...
4 common causes of a pinched nerve in the lower back

4 common causes of a pinched nerve in the lower back

​​A pinched nerve, also known as a compressed nerve, is a condition that occurs when a nerve somewhere in the body becomes pinched or compressed. It’s usually pinched by the bones, tendons, cartilage or muscles around it. It affects an estimated 85 out of every...