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8 explanations behind that burning pain in your knee

8 explanations behind that burning pain in your knee

Burning pain in the knee can occur in the front, back or sides of the knee joint. There are many reasons for you to experience burning pain in your knee — injury, overuse or a strained muscle are just a few of them. If you’re experiencing burning pain in your knee,...
4 ways physical therapists may improve your neck pain

4 ways physical therapists may improve your neck pain

Neck pain can affect many of your everyday activities, and chronic pain in the neck can be debilitating. Anything from a strained muscle to a pinched nerve can cause pain in your neck. That pain can be a slight twinge or become so severe you may struggle to even turn...
Arthritis in the thumb: 7 symptoms and treatments

Arthritis in the thumb: 7 symptoms and treatments

Arthritis can cause significant issues for your joints, including pain in the thumbs, fingers and wrists. Thumb arthritis specifically is a common type of arthritis that can occur with age. Although thumb arthritis can be caused by inflammation-based rheumatoid...
Myth or fact: Constipation can cause back pain

Myth or fact: Constipation can cause back pain

Can constipation really cause back pain? The answer’s a little more complicated than you may think. In some cases, yes, constipation can cause back pain. If your constipation is significant, it may put pressure on the muscles and nerves in the lower spine, which can...