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Is shockwave therapy the real deal? Exploring its effectiveness and common misconceptions



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Shockwave therapy might sound intimidating or strange, but it’s a more common treatment than you might think. Also called extracorporeal shockwave therapy, this treatment uses “shockwaves” made up of acoustic sound waves to target the affected area. The goal of this technique is to reduce pain, promote healing, and assist the recovery process for injuries or chronic conditions. 

How does shockwave therapy work?

Shockwave therapy uses a small handheld device similar to an ultrasound wand that emits acoustic sound waves to the injured tissue. There are two main types of shockwave therapy: radial and focused. Radial shockwave therapy focuses more on regenerating superficial damage, while focused shockwave therapy targets below the skin to help heal more acute cases. The goals of shockwave therapy include:

  • Improving circulation in and around injured tissue
  • Targeting trigger points and other tissue that may be causing pain
  • Breaking down calcium deposits, such as kidney stones
  • Stimulating cell growth in bone and connective tissue
  • Kick-starting the body’s natural regeneration process
  • Reducing pain by affecting nerve endings near the injury

Though this treatment may sound unusual, it has been FDA approved for some conditions and can be highly effective for many forms of chronic pain and acute injuries.

What are some common misconceptions of shockwave therapy?

Because shockwave therapy isn’t a common treatment, there can be a lot of misconceptions about what it is and how it affects the body. Here are a few top questions people have about shockwave therapy:

  • Is it painful? — Shockwave therapy can cause mild discomfort, but it shouldn’t be a painful process. You may experience some mild symptoms such as bruising, slight swelling, and some throbbing or nerve irritation. However, if you experience pain during or after a shockwave therapy treatment, talk to your health care provider.
  • Is it invasive? — Shockwave therapy is a noninvasive, fully external treatment. A handheld device is used over the affected area, never inside the body.
  • Is it only available in hospital settings? — Although it used to be only available in hospitals or specialized treatment centers, shockwave therapy is becoming a more common practice. Physical therapy clinics like REPAIR SI can have shockwave therapy equipment on-site for patients.
  • Does it only treat pain? — While a major application of shockwave therapy is for pain management, that’s not its only function. This treatment can also promote healing and cell regeneration, which can assist in long-term healing as well as pain management.

Our team at REPAIR SI is highly equipped in shockwave therapy and other treatments for chronic pain and acute injuries. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.