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Employee Training Videos at REPAIR SI, Physical Therapy in Huntington Beach CA

Upon completion of watching all videos, RSI’s Aide Supervisor will be given a quiz on the material from the videos. You must pass the quiz with an 80% or higher before progressing with your training.

Blood Flow Restriction Training (Smart Cuffs)

Mechanical Cervical Traction

Benefits of KT Taping 

Graston (Scrapping) How It Works!

Fire & Suction Cupping – What To Know!

PT – Manual Therapy – How and Why!

Acupuncture 101

Dry Needling vs Acupuncture

Spinal Adjustments 101

Therapeutic Exercises – Basic Concepts

Hyperice (Venom)

Hyperice (HyperX)

Hyperice (Vyper) – Vibrating Foam Roller

FMS – Functional Movement Screen
(RSI Wellness Screen – Injury Risk)

We’re not your average clinic

We’re not your average clinic

Self Propelled Treadmill vs Motorized

Lumbar Spine Mechanical Traction Table

Laser Therapy Information

Normatec Information

Vibration Therapy Information – Hypervolt

How to Communicate – PT Aide

How To Be a better PT Aide

Visit our YouTube channel (REPAIR SI, Physical Therapy) to review the other instructional videos including but not limited to the therapeutic exercise videos.