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Knee pain when bending: 6 causes and treatments



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Your knees allow you to walk, run, jump and navigate the world with incredible strength and flexibility. Sometimes, you can experience knee pain, especially when bending. Knee pain is common and can affect people of all ages. This pain can be frustrating and limit your daily activities. However, the good news is that understanding the cause of your knee pain when bending is your first step toward finding relief. 

Common causes of knee pain when bending

Several culprits can be behind that ache or sharp pain you experience when bending your knee. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Overuse injuries Activities like running, jumping or frequently squatting can overuse the muscles, tendons and ligaments surrounding your knee, which can lead to pain and inflammation. Overuse injuries can be common in athletes or people who do repetitive knee-intensive activities. 
  • Arthritis Osteoarthritis is a wear-and-tear type of arthritis. It can affect the cartilage in your knee joint, causing pain, stiffness and difficulty bending your knee. 
  • Ligament sprain — Ligaments connect your bones and provide stability to your knee. Spraining a ligament due to a sudden twist or movement can cause pain, swelling and instability in your knee joint, which can make bending it difficult.
  • Patellar tendinitis — This condition involves inflammation of the patellar tendon, which connects your kneecap to your shinbone. It can be caused by overuse activities like jumping or running. Patellar tendinitis can lead to pain when bending your knee, especially when going downhill or squatting. 
  • Bursitis — Bursae are fluid-filled sacs that cushion joints, including the knee. Bursitis is the inflammation of the bursae, which can cause pain and tenderness when bending the knee. This pain can happen particularly when pressure is applied to the affected area. 
  • Meniscus tear — The meniscus is a C-shaped piece of cartilage that acts like a shock absorber and stabilizer in your knee joint. A tear in your meniscus can cause pain, swelling and a catching sensation when you bend your knee.

Treatment options for knee pain when bending

When you’re dealing with knee pain while bending, you want to find relief so you can get back to doing your favorite activities. There are steps you can take to manage the pain and regain control. Treatments that can help ease knee pain when bending can include:

  • PRICE method — The PRICE method can help you manage your knee pain by protecting, resting, icing, compressing and elevating your knee to provide relief. 
  • Medication — Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help manage pain and inflammation. It’s important to follow dosage instructions carefully.
  • Physical therapy Physical therapy can play a beneficial role that can help you experience less painful movement. Your physical therapist can create a personalized treatment program to help you reach your recovery goals. 
  • Assistive devices — Depending on the cause of your pain, a knee brace or sleeve can offer extra support and stability during activities. Using a cane or walker can help reduce weight bearing on the affected knee, especially if arthritis or joint degeneration is a contributing factor. 
  • Corticosteroids — Your doctor may recommend injections of corticosteroids directly into the knee joint. These injections can provide short–term relief from inflammation and pain. 
  • Surgery — In severe cases and as a last resort, surgery may be considered. Arthroscopic surgery can help with meniscus tears or cartilage damage to help repair or remove damaged tissue. Partial or total knee replacements may be necessary if the damage to the joint is extensive. During these replacement surgeries, damaged joint surfaces are replaced with artificial implants. 

Physical therapy treatments that can help knee pain when bending

Physical therapy is a beneficial treatment to help knee pain when bending. Physical therapists can use a variety of treatments to help address the underlying cause and your individual needs and concerns. Your physical therapy treatment plan may include:

  • Joint mobilization Joint mobilization is a manual therapy technique used by physical therapists to gently move the knee joint through its natural range of motion. This can help improve joint mobility, reduce stiffness and promote optimal movement patterns. 
  • Myofascial release/active release therapy — Your physical therapist will apply sustained pressure and use gentle stretching to target areas to help release tightness in the muscles and fascia surrounding your knee. These techniques can improve flexibility and reduce pain. 
  • Normatec compression therapyNormatec compression therapy involves using specialized sleeves or wraps that apply sequential compression to your knee joint and the surrounding tissue. It can help decrease swelling, inflammation and discomfort, which can help make movements smoother. 
  • Graston Technique® — The Graston Technique is a form of manual therapy that uses specialized stainless steel tools to detect and treat scar tissue and fascial restrictions in the soft tissue around the knee. By breaking down scar tissue and adhesions, the Graston Technique can help reduce pain, improve flexibility and boost the range of motion in your knee.
  • Dry needlingDry needling is a technique used by a certified practitioner, who will insert thin, sterile needles into trigger points and tight bands of muscle around the knee. Trigger points are hypersensitive spots that can cause pain. Dry needling can help release tension, boost circulation to promote healing, and stimulate the body’s natural pain relief mechanisms. 

Physical therapy for knee pain when bending can boost your knee function, reduce pain and improve your overall quality of life. Always consult a qualified physical therapist or health care provider for the most appropriate treatment based on your specific condition and therapeutic goals. 

REPAIR SI can help you overcome your knee pain when bending it

At REPAIR SI, we understand that knee pain when bending can be frustrating and keep you from doing your favorite activities. Our team of experienced physical therapists will work with you to identify the underlying cause of your pain and develop a personalized treatment plan. Whether you need strengthening exercises, flexibility training or manual therapy techniques, we can help you get back to bending your knees with confidence. We offer a comprehensive approach to knee pain management to help you take charge of your knee pain and move with more ease.

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.