The knee joint is made up of a complex web of bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. If even one of those parts gets damaged, it can cause knee pain. It’s not an uncommon experience, either, since around 25% of adults experience knee pain every year.
If you have stinging pain on the outside of your knee, especially when you kneel down, there are a number of things that may be triggering it. Let’s take a look at some common causes of that specific kind of knee pain, plus some physical therapy treatments that may be able to help.
Causes of stinging pain on the outside of the knee
If you are experiencing stinging pain on the outside of your knee, you probably want to know what exactly is causing that pain. Here are five possible causes for stinging pain on the outside of the knee:
- Bone spurs — Also known as osteophytes, bone spurs are abnormal growths that can form along any bone in the body. They tend to occur more frequently in the areas where tendons and ligaments attach to the bone. Because of this, they are more likely to surface around large joints that support body weight, such as the spine, hips, knees or ankles. Most bone spurs aren’t harmful to the body, but they can be a sign that that joint is less stable. Depending on where the bone spurs are located, they can cause pain along the outer side of the knee.
- Iliotibial band syndrome — Iliotibial (IT) band syndrome is a condition that can affect the outside of your hip, leg and knee and may be caused by repetitive movements such as running and cycling. The IT band is a thick connective tissue that connects the outside of your hip to the outside of your knee. This band is meant to stabilize the hip and knee, but if it becomes tight or tense, you can experience pain along the length of it. This pain may start off as discomfort or burning on the outside of your knee, and your knee may also feel tender to the touch. If this condition worsens, you may hear popping or clicking on the outside of the knee, and the pain can progress to the lower leg as well.
- Knee arthritis — Cartilage covers the ends of your bones to cushion wherever they might rub against each other. Over time, this cartilage can wear away due to overuse or age. If the cartilage has worn down, you may begin to experience pain in that joint. For example, if the area where the cartilage is thin or weak is on the outside of any of the bones in your knee, you may experience pain there. You can also experience arthritic pain in any area of your knee, depending on how the cartilage has degenerated.
- Meniscus tears — The meniscus is a piece of cartilage positioned between the thighbone and the shinbone that functions as a shock absorber. There are two menisci per knee, and if the lateral meniscus gets torn or damaged, it can cause pain on the outside of the knee. This type of tear can be caused by either injury or degeneration over time, and symptoms include pain, swelling and restricted mobility.
- Peroneal nerve injury — The peroneal nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve that provides movement and sensation to the lower leg, foot and toes. If this nerve gets irritated or injured, it can cause pain on the outside of the knee that radiates down toward the toes. This nerve pain can be caused by a number of things, such as:
- Overuse
- Surgery
- Instability
- Compression
A peroneal nerve injury can affect areas of your body outside of the knee, so if you think this is what you’re dealing with, you should consult your health care provider immediately.
While there are many possible reasons for stinging pain on the outside of the knee; these are some of the more common ones. For an official diagnosis, talk to your health care provider.
Treatments for stinging knee pain
Stinging knee pain when you kneel can interrupt your daily activities, whether it’s gardening, yoga, cleaning or even picking up something you’ve dropped. To get lasting relief from knee pain, you need to tackle the root of the problem. Physical therapy can be a great resource for you to address your pain and get your mobility back. A few methods your physical therapist may use include:
- Manual therapy
- Acupuncture
- Strengthening exercises
- Dry needling
- Joint mobilization
Don’t let your knee pain hold you back from living the life you want. Our licensed physical therapists at REPAIR SI have in-depth knowledge of a variety of treatments that can help address your knee pain. If you’re ready to begin healing your stinging knee pain, contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.